Are my standards too high now?

Are my standards too high or do I just want the bare minimum? I have always slept with whom ever when ever to fill a void I have never had filled or have a funny story to tell my friends. Because I really need a interest other than art .But in the winter something clicked in me. I was sleeping with such a hot, funny and cute man. And the sex was amazing. After he left to his country and we had this time together. I realised my standards where nowhere to be found and I was just sleeping with assholes or not so cute people. Then I saw that I wasn't even getting the bare minimum from men. I have only slept with one guy after the hot and cute guy and I went on many dates with this guy. But like nothing compared to this guy. So I have had an upifiny there is no man for me here in this tiny island. I have already slept with at least one in every friend group in my radius. So I“m restart my celibacy again. Until I meet someone super hot, cute and funny. Because I can date whom ever I want. Or I'll just date a woman I haven't really done that properly. Lesson is make your standards higher and have some self respect. Bye bye sluts. I“m gonna but Mardy Bum by Artic Monkeys because there are so many mardy bumbs that we have slept with. 

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