Is everything a coincidence or do I just live in Iceland?

So I“m gonna start writing the blog in english so that my friends can read it. But I“m thinking to day? I was seeing this french man let's call him Clementine. He was alright but I found him too crinegy so I called it off because I got the ick. But he was quite persistence on why and wouldn't stop texting me. So then he moved to London and I'm going on with my live but then he visits Iceland and I'm just still living my best live. Then I go to an after party in a really shady basement. Then when I got home super drunk and stoned I realised that I forgot my phone there. Nobody lives ther so I had to find out who owns the place. Then I found out that the fucking ex roommate of Clementine owns the place. I spoke to Clementine and asked him if I could get his contact and he“s like no Ill just find it for you. Then he found it and I was like great! The next day I get a message from clementine that he lost my phone at a concert! But then a girl found it and I got back so that was fine. But that was quite a coincidence or I live in a small country? But I started working at a new place. Then I realised that some guy I slept with is the cook there. I“m like yeah okay I can deal with this cus I don't have to interact that much with him. But yesterday I got to work and went in the back and saw a sweater that a guy I slept with owns. Then I see the guy I slept with at the bar and the owner says I need to teach him everything about the place sooooooo. I“m working now with two guys I have slept with and its kind of jus like tooo much. oooooh. So I“m gonna stop being a slut because I don't want another guy I have slept with close to my life. Goodbye Slutface. So is this all a coincidence or do I just live in Iceland? I“m gonna pick Heartbeat by Childish Gambino for this story because its about having sex with some one and regretting it but the sex was still kinda based.

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